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Monday 5 October 2015

Bake Off with the Bake Off - Week 5 - Alternative Week!

I know, I'm horrendously behind again, I have 3 challenges to write up and 2 bakes to complete! Best crack on.

There were a few options to choose from but Gav set me the challenge of Sugar Free Cake.

Alternative was a little difficult for me as usual alternative sweeteners that are used in cake, neither Gav or myself are a big fan off - Tricky.

Week 5 - Alternative Week!
The Challenge - Sugar Free Cake
The Idea - Blueberry, Lemon and Poppyseed Cake

The Ingredients:
For the Cake
400g Plain Flour
3 tbsp Poppy seeds
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp Baking Powder
120ml Rapeseed Oil
130ml Honey
Juice of 1 lemon
3 Large Eggs
250g Blueberries
For the Icing
250g Cream Cheese
2 tbsp Honey
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
100g Blueberries

I preheated the oven to 180C to start with. Then combined all of the dry ingredients in a bowl. In a pan on a low heat, I melted the honey and rapeseed oil, then added the lemon juice.

I then added the honey, rapeseed oil and lemon juice to the dry ingredients and added the three eggs, then stirred until combined.

Happy that it was sufficiently mixed, I then added the blueberries to the cake batter and roughly incorporated.

I then poured the mixture into the cake tin and placed in the oven for 40 minutes. The cake was golden brown and spongy to the touch.

Whilst the cake was cooling, I made the topping. I beat together the cream cheese and honey and added the vanilla essence. I spread the topping over the cake and added the remaining blueberries to the top.

I surprised even myself with this bake, it was incredibly delicious and will be something that I would like to try again. I earned 4 our of 5 for this bake, due to the presentation - need to work on that.

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